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The Dying Patients Bill of Rights

The Right to Be in Control

Grant me the right to make as many decisions as possible regarding my care. Please do not take choices from me. Let me make my own decisions.

The Right to Have a Sense of Purpose

I have lost my job. I can no longer fulfill my role in my family. Please help me find some sense of purpose in my last days.

The Right to Reminisce

There has been pleasure in my life, moments of pride, moments of love. Please give me some time to recollect those moments. And please listen to my recollections.

The Right to Be Comfortable

The pain involved in dying is multifaceted. Although not all my pain can be taken away, please relieve whatever portion you can.

The Right to Touch and Be Touched

Sometimes I need distance. Yet sometimes I have a string need to be close. When I want to reach out, please come to me and hold me as I hold you.

The Right to Laugh

People often-far too often-come to me wearing masks of seriousness. Although still need to laugh.